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Perks At Work | A Guide for Employers


Perks at Work - Extras that make a big difference

Gone are the days of job hunters just looking for the best salary. Today, people expect a lot more from their employers and are looking at the full package on offer - including additional perks.

Much more than just ‘nice to haves’, meaningful perks like flexible hours and discounts on everyday shopping, are highly valued by current employees and potential hires. Not only do these employee benefits help attract and retain staff, they also build a workplace culture where employees feel valued, supported and motivated to give their best. 

In this blog we cover everything you need to know about offering perks at work, including:

What are Perks at Work?

Perks at work are the added Extras that you offer employees on top of their basic salary. These can be small, simple gestures like free office snacks, or more impactful benefits like flexible working arrangements. 

While perks like beers at the end of the week are fun, the perks that truly make a difference and have a positive impact across the company are those that support employee wellbeing and make their lives a bit easier and more enjoyable. 

Think employee discounts, flexible hours, wellness tools, and opportunities for personal development.

Ready to discover awesome perks at work that are simple, cost-effective and will be loved by your team? Click here.  


Why Perks at Work Matter

Perks at work matter because they make a difference in how employees feel about their jobs and their place within the business. Thinking about offering perks to your employees? We’ve listed out the most important benefits that those added extras can bring to your team.

Benefits to Employees

Perks aren't just about giving your team extras for the sake of it - they have real, tangible benefits that improve employee experience and overall employee wellbeing. 

Companies like Google, which are leaders in the workplace benefits revolution, have invested more in employee support and have seen a huge 37% increase in employee satisfaction as a result. So it goes to show, making workers happy really pays off! 

Improved Employee Wellbeing 

Life is tough at times and everyone fights their own battles every single day. Perks like wellness programs or mental health support can really help reduce stress and promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Flexible working options help employees manage their personal and professional lives, which can significantly improve happiness and productivity. 

Financial Support and Savings

With the cost of living crisis ongoing, many people are feeling the pinch. Offering perks like discounts for online shopping or everyday expenses like grocery shopping can be a huge help to employees, reducing financial strain and helping them stretch their pay further and feel more financially secure.

Increased Job Satisfaction 

When staff feel appreciated and rewarded through perks, their job satisfaction naturally increases and they feel happier at work. It won't come as a surprise that when people feel happy at work, they're more engaged, motivated and employee productivity increases significantly. 

Improved Employee Experience

Employee experience is the total of all interactions an employee has with the company, from applying for a job all the way through to working with you. Perks are a great and simple way to improve overall employee experience, as they help show you genuinely care about them - in and outside of the office. 

Work-Life Balance

Work life balance is hugely important to staff and flexibility is a great perk that gives employees control over their schedules and a better work-life balance. Whether it's working from home or just flexible office hours, employees really appreciate being trusted to manage their time and balance work and their personal lives effectively.

Benefits of Perks for Employers

Perks don't just benefit employees - there's lots of business advantages too when offering extra perks to your team. Including:

Boost Employee Engagement

Perks are widely reported to boost employee engagement, morale and keep staff motivated. Offering meaningful perks and additional employee benefits show that you understand your employees’ needs and care enough to support them. Research shows that when employees are happy, they're 12% more productive and more likely to stick around long-term. 

Attract and Retain Top Talent

When you’re a small business, it can be tough to compete with larger companies that have deeper pockets and bigger benefit packages. But with 57% of people taking perks into consideration as well as overall pay, it's not something any business can afford to not offer if you want to stand out in a competitive job market. Benefits like Extras Discounts or Cashback Cards are no-cost for businesses and help level the playing field when it comes to attracting new staff. 

Create an Attractive Workplace Culture

Perks are also key in creating a supportive and positive company culture that employees find very attractive. They help create a sense of community and encourage people to develop strong relationships with other team members. When employees develop strong connections in the team and company, they’re 11 times more likely to stay within the business for another year and 3 times more likely to stay three more years!

Ready to see the benefit of workplace perks in your business? Click here to join BHN Extras for free or contact us to speak with one of our benefit experts.


7 Great (and affordable) Perks at Work Ideas

There are literally thousands of perks that you could implement. The main thing to remember when considering perks is that staff really appreciate benefits that support their wellbeing, both personal and financial. 

Here are 7 great perks at work ideas that will have a huge impact and can be quickly and affordably implemented.

1. Discounted Shopping Cards

Discounted shopping cards, like Extras Discounts, offer exclusive savings of up to 15% on the cost of physical and digital gift cards from big name retailers. Whether it’s saving on their weekly shop or getting a deal on their next family day out, these discounted shopping cards help stretch their salaries further. For your employees, it’s like getting a little bonus every time they shop.

The best bit about this perk? It’s included free of charge when your business signs up to BHN Extras - which is also free to join!

2. Decent Coffee Machine

Never underestimate the power of a good brew! Providing a decent coffee machine in the office can give your team a much-needed boost throughout the day. It’s a small investment that can improve employee morale, create a more relaxed atmosphere, and even encourage social interactions during coffee breaks.

Plus, it’s a simple and affordable way to show you care about your team's daily work experience.

3. bYond Cashback Card

The bYond Cashback Card is another fantastic perk you can offer through BHN Extras. It’s a prepaid card that gives your employees up to 15% cashback on their purchases at over 85 high street retailers. It’s like getting a little bit of money back every time they shop, which can quickly add up to meaningful savings!

It’s a simple way to help them make their money go further—something everyone can appreciate, especially in today’s economic climate.

4. Flexible Working Hours

Flexible working hours are one of the most sought-after perks in today’s work environment. Offering your team the ability to adjust their working hours by an hour or two either way or work from home gives them better control over their work-life balance. This can reduce stress, improve job satisfaction, and boost productivity, all while showing trust and support for your employees at no extra cost to your business. 

5. Wellness Tools

Looking after your team’s mental and physical health is key to keeping them engaged and productive. One great way to do this is through syd™, an AI-powered wellbeing app available with BHN Extras. syd™ offers personalised, science-backed recommendations to help employees with everything from managing stress to improving their physical health.

By providing access to syd™, you’re showing your team that you genuinely care about their wellbeing. It’s an easy way to support their health both at work and in their personal lives, and it can have a big impact on overall happiness and motivation.

6. Personal Development Opportunities

Investing in your team’s growth is a powerful way to show you’re committed to their long-term success. Offering personal development opportunities, such as access to online courses, workshops, or industry certifications, helps your employees build their skills and advance in their careers. This not only benefits your team but also contributes to the overall growth of your business.

7. Employee Reward Scheme 

Everyone loves to feel appreciated, and an employee rewards scheme is an excellent way to celebrate employee achievements and hard work. It doesn’t have to be expensive—simple gestures like "Employee of the Month" awards, shout-outs in team meetings, or small rewards for hitting company targets can go a long way in boosting morale and motivation.


Perks Make a Difference

At the end of the day, offering the right perks is about more than just ticking a box, it’s about showing your team that you value them and are invested in their happiness.

Ready to supercharge your perks and become an employer people would love to work for? Call us on 0208 159 9430 or click here to speak to one of our benefits experts about our free benefits platform and perks as unique as your team.